Hillsboro was founded in 1823. Abundant natural resources shaped its economic landscape. The greatest of these natural resources was an eight-foot vein of coal underlying the town. Coal from Hillsboro and nearby smaller towns was primarily used locally rather than shipped out as was the case elsewhere in Illinois coal towns. Two of the world’s largest zinc oxide manufacturing plants were located in Hillsboro and fueled by its coal. Hillsboro coal was not linked to railroad companies. In addition to its coal mining and related zinc oxide industry, an important glass factory was created in nearby Schram City, which produced jars and bottles. The use of coal to zinc oxide manufacturing and the diversification in manufacturing in Hillsboro provided a wide range of employment opportunities. This seems to have insulated Hillsboro from the labor unrest that afflicted other coal towns in the central Illinois region. In 2023, the Smithsonian Institution recognized Hillsboro’s historically significant contributions to industrial innovation by including the city in its Spark! program.
Hillsboro thrived. An Illinois traction system electric railway provided transportation from Hillsboro to St. Louis, Peoria, Champaign, and dozens of towns in between. Its residents fostered local arts, cultivated a vibrant cultural scene, and invested heavily in education and public services such as parks and a superb library. Hillsboro abounded in fine homes, impressive civic buildings, and a notable opera house. These buildings are visible today.
Hillsboro’s annual Old Settlers’ Days celebration is evidence of the town’s enthusiastic embrace of old and new. Hillsboro is committed to preserving its roots, maintaining its strong community values, and deploying its industrious spirit and local heritage for modern progress.
Professor Helaine Silverman beginning research in HIllsboro, November 2021.
Hillsboro is located in Montgomery County, adjacent to Macoupin County where the “Coal Triangle” is based. We include it in the Coal Triangle tourism route.